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Domestic Violence Lawyer in Dallas, TX

Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. provides clients with the best domestic violence lawyer in Dallas, TX. If you need to fight allegations of family assault leveled against you, our team has the knowledge and expertise necessary to get you through your case and boost the possibility of a favorable outcome. We’re here to walk with you through the complexities of the law and address all your concerns. We’ve made our clients’ safety and reputations top priorities throughout our many years of practicing law. For the best representation, our team is here to help you.

disturbed girl sitting on the floor

Common Types of Family Assault

Family assault is any physical harm or damage between or inflicted upon family members, including spouses and children. The following acts are grounds for arrest:

  • The physical battery of a family member.
  • Child endangerment, injury, or abuse.
  • Stalking a current or former family member.
  • Violation of a protection or restraining order against you.
  • Verbal or written threats of violence.

Choose Our Domestic Violence Lawyer Today

As seasoned professionals with years of legal experience, we’ve seen the trauma and damage that allegations and charges can inflict upon a person. Allegations of familial abuse and assault can have long-lasting impacts. That’s why we’re the right team to represent you. We’ve maintained an excellent reputation for helping our clients achieve justice and get their lives back. We’re relentless pursuers of the truth and proving innocence in the court of law. If you’re dealing with an abuse or assault case involving your relatives, we’re ready to meet you and discuss how we can improve the situation.

What Our Clients Have to Say

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