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Workplace Injury Attorneys in Dallas, TX

If you are involved in a workplace accident, you are entitled to medical care and income benefits. If your employer does not have workers’ compensation for your workplace injury, it is still possible to pursue the compensation. Insurance companies are not always there for your best interest, most are in the business to make a profit. With our experience and our knowledge, we can help you obtain the compensation and justice you deserve.

workers gathering around fallen worker

We Represent Texas Workers in Any Industry

We can help you with:

  • Heavy Equipment Accidents
  • Industrial Injuries
  • Oil Field Accidents
  • Workplace Crime
  • Construction Accidents
  • Chemical Plant Accidents
engineers help construction workers who have knee and leg injuries

You Have the Right to Seek Compensation

The construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries with all types of jobs and projects. 3.5 out of every 100,000 construction workers die every year and 2.5 out of every 100 full-time workers are injured. Even if you take all possible safety measures, you understand the dangers of your worksite and that things can go wrong. Despite wearing the right safety gear, taking precautions, and following all site safety protocols, it is still possible for you to suffer a serious injury on the job. In itself, the construction industry is a dangerous one, whether it be because of the heavy machinery used or because of the specific nature of the job. Workers’ compensation provides benefits for anyone injured because of their own negligence or that of their employer.

Yellow police line. Investigation and crime concept

You Have the Right to File a Negligence Lawsuit Against Your Employer

If an employer fails to provide workers’ compensation coverage, an injured employee can file a negligence lawsuit against that employer. Contact us at The Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. if your employer or coworker was negligent and caused your injury, or if your workplace failed to follow OSHA safety regulations on topics such as asbestos or other areas. In limited circumstances, employees can sue their employers even if the employer provides workers’ compensation. This occurs when an employee dies while on the job because of the employer’s gross negligence. If a third party was involved — another work crew on the job site, the manufacturer of a defective product, or the other driver in a car, truck, or commercial vehicle accident — you have the right to seek compensation.

Let Us Help and Fight for You

Whether you have been hurt in an oil rig, chemical plant, home construction, manufacturing plant, or road crew, we at The Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. will represent you. Industrial accidents can cause serious injuries whether from being burned, electrocuted, crushed by a crane, or sickened from exposure to chemical spills, toxic gas emissions, or radiation leaks. Construction site falls can cause severe head or spinal cord injuries, resulting in paralysis or even death. It is possible to lose a limb after being struck and run over by a forklift or after being caught in the collapse of an excavation. The Law Office of Olegario Estrada, PC works with a wide variety of medical experts, skilled life care planners, and economists in order to understand your immediate medical conditions and predict your future financial, medical, and accommodation needs. Each of these professionals can help us build your case.

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