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Consequences of a Brian Injury

Call the Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. to help you with a case of a brain injury. There is no doubt that traumatic damage to the brain often causes long-term or permanent physical disabilities, mental impairment, or even paralysis that can affect a person’s quality of life. A person may suffer a stroke, loss of memory, internal bleeding, loss of bodily functions, seizures, and the loss of comprehension and awareness, ability to speak, and the ability to think. The person with the injury is affected, but also, in most instances, the person’s family members are now tasked with having to partake in the rehabilitation and lifelong care of the person. Motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, car accidents, blunt trauma, acts of violence, violent slip and fall accidents, dangerous or defective products, and sports and recreational injuries can cause serious head, brain, neck, and spinal cord injuries.

Lawyer and client having a business meeting

Let Us Help You

If you or a family member has suffered serious head trauma in a motor vehicle accident, construction accident, or because of someone else’s careless act or poor decision, contact the Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. for help. Brain injuries can have long-term consequences and can affect a person’s cognitive, physical, and psychological ability impairing their personality, mental state, and physical abilities. Every person who suffers a brain injury is affected in a different manner with varying levels of severity. Let us help you at the Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C.

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