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Motorcycle Accident Attorneys You Can Trust

Motorcyclists have the same right to travel roads as any other car or truck. However, drivers of other vehicles often operate irresponsibly around motorcycle riders and don’t offer the same respect as they would to another car, truck, or SUV. Our team at Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. in Dallas, TX provides dedicated representation for motorcycle operators who have been injured in an accident. Many drivers and insurance companies assume motorcyclists are at fault in an accident and will work aggressively to pin the blame on the motorcycle rider. For this reason, it’s critical that you have an experienced and aggressive attorney on your side too. We will ensure your case is strong and fight to get the best outcome possible. With our team, there’s no fee unless we win your case. Schedule a free consultation today.

Motorcycle Accident

Dangers for Motorcyclists

The Motorcycle Safety Association has been promoting a widespread campaign to bring motorcycle awareness into the spotlight so that all drivers on the road use more caution and pay attention to motorcycle riders. Still, many drivers are distracted, negligent, or just don’t care about road safety enough to help avoid accidents that can cause severe injury or even death to a motorcyclist. If you or a family member has been in an accident and are not at fault, compensation could be sought for:

  • Finances for medical bills
  • Lost wages due to missed work
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages
  • Property damage
  • Permanent disfigurement or disability
  • Rehabilitation costs
  •  Wrongful death

Speak With a Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Getting compensation for physical and emotional pain and suffering or financial loss after a motorcycle accident is a right for any operator not at fault. Acting as quickly as possible to gather the facts and speak with any witnesses as soon as possible are critical to the success of your case. Our attorneys at Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. in Dallas, TX are available 24/7 to speak with you about your case and help you navigate the court process as we fight to get what is rightfully yours! Contact us to schedule a consultation today.

We Will Seek Justice for You

For many Texas residents, riding a motorcycle is not just a way to get around with transportation. It is also a lifestyle. Unfortunately, even a small collision can result in very serious injury or even death because motorcycles lack the safety features of passenger vehicles (seat belts and air bags). At the Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C., we can help you get the medical treatment you need as well as the money you deserve if you are involved in a motorcycle accident. We understand that you will be overwhelmed as you deal with the trauma of an injury, mounting medical bills, and the stress of being out of work. If you have lost a spouse, a child, or a parent in a motorcycle accident, we can help you.

We will seek justice for you and help you so that you do not have to deal with an uncaring insurance company whose only purpose is to deny, and delay, and defend against your right to compensation. We treat all of our motorcycle accident cases with professionalism and we work hard to defend you. Under no circumstances will you ever pay us out of pocket or receive a bill from us. We only earn a fee if and when we win your case and put money in your pocket. Our consultations are always free, and we are happy to answer any of your questions by phone or by email.

What Our Clients Have to Say

Get a Free Case Evaluation. No Fee Unless We Win Your Case