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Experienced Car Accident Attorneys in Dallas, TX

Car accidents are traumatic experiences. In addition to property damage to your vehicle, victims suffer emotional and physical pain, financial losses, hardship, and in the worst cases, permanent disability or death. Our team at Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. in Dallas, TX offers car accident representation for victims and their families to get you the total compensation you deserve due to another driver’s negligence. If you or a family member have been in an auto accident, contact us for a consultation. There’s no fee unless we win your settlement.

car accident

Seeking Compensation From a Car Accident

Our attorneys at Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. work with victims in car accidents to ensure they’re not taken advantage of or lose out on compensation that is rightfully theirs. We will be by your side, navigating your case through the complexities of the Texas court system, negotiating with other parties, and being your advocate 100% of the time. We’ll make certain large insurance companies or other lawyers don’t take advantage of your situation. We’ll seek compensation that may include:

  • Past medical bills
  • Future medical expenses
  • Lost wages due to missed work
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages
  • Vehicle and property damage
  • Permanent disfigurement or disability
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Wrongful death
  • Mental anguish
  • Dismemberment

Schedule a Consultation With an Auto Accident Attorney

As auto accident attorneys, we are experienced in the process of the court system, tactics used by insurance companies, and the full extent of damages victims can seek. Having a high-caliber team like Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. on your side to fight for your justice is critical to ensuring the best possible outcome of your case. We’re not afraid to take on the challenges that you may face, and we’re ready to go to court for you so that you can concentrate on healing with your family. Contact us to schedule a consultation today at 210-742-9146.

Lawyer and client having a business meeting

The Best Professional at Your Service

When a car accident occurs, a person’s dreams and plans can be dramatically altered. At the Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C., we can help victims receive the proper compensation for their losses.

At our office, each case is treated with the utmost professionalism. We focus on:

  • Meeting with you
  • Listening to your side of the story and hearing what your concerns are
  • Fully investigating every aspect of your accident
  • Collecting and analyzing any evidence for your claim
  • Consulting with medical experts
  • Consulting with accident reconstruction experts
  • Handling all paperwork in relation to your claim
  • Meeting and negotiating with insurance company adjusters
  • Keeping you informed with the progress of your claim
  • Filing a lawsuit if an insurance company fails to pay

We Can Handle These and More

Head-On Collisions

The forces from a head-on collision are typically much more powerful than those in other accidents. They routinely cause serious personal injuries, from traumatic brain injuries to burns from explosions and post-accident fires.

Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents put a car's occupants at serious risk of injury or death due to the roof of the car collapsing. Additionally, rollovers can result in passengers being ejected from the vehicle if a seat belt fails or is not used.

Sideswipe Collisions

Sideswipe collisions are a direct result of careless actions, such as failure to yield. Passengers on the impact side of the vehicle face a significant risk of catastrophic injuries or death.

Steps to Follow After a Car Accident

If you’re ever involved in a car accident, it’s important to know that what you do immediately after the crash can affect your life forever. Although your first instinct may be to panic, it is essential to keep calm and follow a few steps that will help keep you safe and preserve your claim for compensation.

  • Remain at the Scene: Do not leave the scene of an accident. Doing so puts your claim for compensation in jeopardy.
  • Get to a Safe Place: If possible, move your vehicle to a place of safety so you don’t cause a subsequent crash. If you cannot move your vehicle, do not remain inside it or near it if it is on the road.
  • Call the Police: Call the police so you have an official police report of the accident, which you will need when filing a claim for compensation. Calling the police to the scene is a wise choice for injury victims seeking compensation.
  • Get Medical Treatment: Seek medical treatment as soon as possible after you have been injured. Failure to do so can lead to the insurance company questioning the cause and seriousness of your injuries.
  • Do Not Say Sorry or Admit Fault: What you say after an accident can be used against you. Therefore, it is important to refrain from admitting guilt or responsibility for the crash.
  • Refuse Early Settlement Offers: insurance companies like to tempt accident victims with quick settlement offers that are less than what victims deserve. If you receive an offer early on, do not accept it until you have spoken with an attorney who can give you a realistic evaluation of how much your case is worth.
  • Meet with an Attorney: To increase your odds of getting maximum compensation for your injuries, you must find an experienced car accident lawyer to represent you. Victims with representation routinely receive far more compensation than those without attorneys.

Some Causes of Accidents

The common factor in most of these causes is a failure to maintain proper safety standards.

  • Distracted Driving: Texting and reaching for items are a few examples of distracted driving that lead to car accidents.
  • Failure to Yield: Failure to yield when turning or entering roadways causes serious accidents, such as T-bone collisions and accidents with pedestrians.
  • Speeding: Speeding causes accidents because it reduces the time a driver has to react to a dangerous situation. Additionally, speeding exacerbates the damage done in car accidents.
  • Driving While Intoxicated: Although the tragic consequences of Driving while intoxicated are clear, many drivers continue to drive while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Improper Passing: Drivers who execute passes improperly are typically in a hurry and disregard the rules of the road. The results are head-on collisions and other serious types of crashes.
  • Defective Vehicles: Some accidents occur because of a defect in a vehicle. Faulty tires, brakes, or other important vehicle parts can result in serious accidents, even when the driver exercises reasonable care. In cases such as these, the manufacturer or designer of the faulty part can be held to pay.
  • Hazardous Road Conditions: All manner of hazardous road conditions can lead to car accidents in the city. In many instances, the weather is to blame for these hazardous conditions. In such cases, drivers must only drive as fast as the conditions allow. Other times, potholes and poorly maintained roads are responsible for hazardous road conditions.

Whatever injury you or a loved one has suffered, the Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. can help you get the justice you deserve.

Get a Free Case Evaluation. No Fee Unless We Win Your Case