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Murder and Manslaughter Representation in Dallas, TX

No person facing any legal issue should do so without an attorney at their side. It’s even more critical if the accusation involves a manslaughter or murder charge, as the stakes are significantly higher when it comes to the penalties handed down and what that means for the rest of a person’s life. The attorneys at Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. in Dallas, TX provide knowledgeable, honest, and solid legal representation for clients facing serious allegations such as these. Contact us to speak with our qualified lawyer team about your case today.

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Texas Murder and Manslaughter Charges

Homicide is one of the most serious crimes anyone can be accused of committing. However, not all homicides are treated the same way, and they are categorized differently. Manslaughter charges occur when a person causes a fatality of another without intent to cause serious harm or death, such as in a car accident or by other irresponsible behavior. Murder applies in cases where there was intent or a predetermined decision to take a person’s life. There are various degrees of manslaughter and murder charges, and we represent clients facing any of them as well as other similar charges, such as:

  • Murder
  • Capital murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Deadly conduct
  • Aiding suicide
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Our Attorneys Are Here to Help You

Since the line between manslaughter and murder can be ambiguous in some cases, it is absolutely essential you retain the services of an experienced law firm such as ours to fight for your rights and look out for your best interests. Mistakes can be made, facts can be misleading, and careless investigations can lead to more severe charges than what the actual events call for. We look at every aspect of your case and use various tactics to have evidence and charges dismissed or seek a reduced sentence. Our team can look into:

  • False accusations
  • Acting in self-defense or defense of others
  • Insanity pleas
  • Errors made by law enforcement
  • Lack of evidence to make a conviction
  • Mistaken identity
  • Mistake of fact

Contact Us to Discuss Your Case

When facing murder or manslaughter charges, it can be difficult to know who to turn to. However, we want to stress that the team at Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. in Dallas, TX is here for you in your most trying times. We started our law firm to offer high-caliber representation for the people in our community facing all sorts of legal challenges and charges. We won’t stop until we see your case through to the end, fighting for the best possible outcome at every step. Contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss your case today.

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