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State Criminal Defense Law Firm in Dallas, TX

Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. in Dallas, TX offers complete defense representation in all types of state criminal cases. We are attorneys for the people, committed to providing experienced services in the most trying times. Our team is available 24/7 for assistance, and we guarantee you will be treated with dignity and respect as we fight for your rights and work hard to keep your reputation intact. When you’re facing charges that have the potential for severe consequences, don’t travel the legal road alone. Contact us for help today.

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Experienced Representation in Every Type of Case

While you may feel isolated and alone when you’re accused of a crime, our team has helped many individuals who have been in your current situation. We understand the uncertainty, anxiety, and fear you and your family may be experiencing. Our law firm serves two purposes; to ensure you have the absolute best legal representation possible to fight the charges against you and keep you informed and enlightened about the process and what to expect at each step, so you’re not alone. We represent clients facing:

  • DWI & Intoxication
  • Assault & Family Violence Charges
  • Drug Possession Defense
  • Murder & Manslaughter Charges
  • Sex Offenses
  • Juvenile Defense
  • Theft Charges

Why Should I Hire an Attorney?

No matter how minor or serious you think the charges against you or a family member are, having a knowledgeable and experienced attorney on your side is critical to the outcome of your case and your future. Individuals should not enter into negotiations or a trial without a lawyer. Even those facing state criminal charges have rights. If laws were not followed or rights were infringed during investigations or arrests, our team will use this information to prove your innocence or show illegal tactics were used to reduce charges. We work as hard to establish your innocence as we do to hold the authorities responsible for properly following the law. Much of the time that can be the difference between a conviction or innocence.

Speak With a Criminal Defense Attorney Today

If you or a family member are facing criminal charges, contact the lawyers at Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. in Dallas, TX to discuss your case. We put your privacy and concern above all else to ensure you have the best representation possible while protecting your reputation as we fight your case. Contact our team for a consultation today.

What Our Clients Have to Say

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