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Dallas, TX Federal Case Defense Lawyers

Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. is a defense attorney law firm in Dallas, TX representing all members of the community in some of the most severe federal cases brought on by authorities. Facing charges of any kind is very intimidating. When it’s a federal case, it can make a serious matter that much more severe when you consider the potential sentence that can be handed down. Federal cases almost always carry harsher penalties than state cases of similar circumstances. However, because of the various states within which the crime was committed and the people involved, individuals may pay a higher price if found guilty of the accusations they’re facing. If you or a family member has been charged with a federal crime, don’t hesitate. Contact our team of experienced defense lawyers today.

hands in handcuffs

We Can Help You With Your Federal Offense Case

Citizens can find themselves involved in various federal crimes. Whether it’s the mastermind behind the plot, a willing participant, or someone pulled in without realizing what they were getting into; the federal authorities aren’t prone to offering leniency, even for first-offenders. The type of crime, the severity of it, whether or not minors were involved, and the value of any theft will all determine the type of charge and the potential punishment. Our job is to build the strongest defense in your case and cast as much doubt as possible about your involvement. We represent people charged with:

  • White-collar crimes, including bribery, consumer fraud, corporate fraud, counterfeiting, extortion, insider trading, and forgery
  • Tax fraud and evasion
  • Sex offenses, such as sexual abuse, aggravated sexual abuse, sexual abuse of a minor or ward, abusive sexual contact
  • Child pornography
  • Sexual exploitation of children
  • Human trafficking
  • Federal probation violations
  • Mail fraud
  • Wire fraud
  • Public corruption
  • Violent crimes like murder, manslaughter, assault, kidnapping
  • Federal Weapons crimes and firearms offenses
  • Customs offenses
  • Smuggling goods
  • Gang crimes
  • Federal robbery charges
  • Extradition
  • Immigration crimes
  • International drug crimes
  • Federal misdemeanor charges

Your Defense Is Our Priority

In any criminal case, time is of the essence. The sooner you speak with a defense attorney about your situation, the better we can prepare the best defense for you. Contact the professionals at Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C.. We have years of dedicated service representing members of the community who have been charged with crimes similar to you. We know the complex court system and are just as ready to defend against federal crimes as we do state charges. Our team of compassionate legal professionals is here to help you in your time of need. Contact us today.

What Our Clients Have to Say

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