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Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Dallas, TX

Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. is a fierce and relentless medical malpractice lawyer in Dallas, TX. We’ve served our community with legal services for many years, generating the best results along the way. If a doctor or healthcare professional inflicts harm upon you or a loved one, we’re here to ensure that they won’t get away without consequences. We’ve helped many clients and their families receive just compensation for their injuries and support during their time of grief. We’re here to provide you with the best legal council so you can move forward with your life.

Doctor Explaining to the Patients

Common Types of Negligent Practices

If you or a loved one has been injured or has died due to the negligence of a healthcare professional, then you may be entitled to legal action. We’re taught to trust a healthcare professional’s word, guidance, and actions, but that does not mean they are above the law. The following are typical examples of negligence and grounds for pursuing a case:

  • Giving patients improper medication or dosages.
  • Errors in prescribing medication.
  • Faults in administering anesthesia and pain killers.
  • Failure to make a proper diagnosis or a delay in diagnosis.
  • Performing the wrong procedures or operating on the wrong body part.
  • Leaving medical tools and surgical items in the patient’s body.
  • Causing further damage to patients while operating on their bodies.

Experienced in Delivering Justice for Our Clients

Our team knows the ins and outs of the law and how to handle the negligence of others. We use our knowledge to determine and develop the best strategy for your case. We’ll research and evaluate the specifics of your case, ensuring that we build strength and credibility while fighting for you. Our clients trust us because we stick with them throughout the process, inspiring their confidence. We genuinely care about what happens to our clients and the hardships they face, and we’re motivated to help them live better lives. We’ll stay by your side and advocate for you every step of the way.

How to Handle Nursing Home Negligence or Abuse

Deciding to put your loved one in a nursing home or facility can be a difficult decision, and the threat of your loved one sustaining abuse while living there is genuine. Nursing home negligence and abuse is a heinous crime that ruins lives. If you suspect your loved one is suffering from abuse at the hands of the professionals you are supposed to trust, you should seek legal representation and action immediately. We will be here to help you with your case and guide you every step of the way.

What Our Clients Have to Say

Get a Free Case Evaluation. No Fee Unless We Win Your Case