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Workplace Accident Lawyer in Dallas, TX

For years, Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. has been a trusted workplace accident lawyer in Dallas, TX. If you’ve been hurt on the job and need representation for just compensation, we have the experience and dedication to advocate for you in the court of law and serve as your champion during your legal proceedings. Our determination and success-focused approach has earned us an excellent reputation amongst clients from all over the area. If you need to take a person or entity to court, or if you’re under threat of legal action, we will serve as genuine fighters for your rights and freedoms.

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We Represent Construction, Oil, Gas, and Other Workers

Getting injured on the job is incredibly stressful for most victims. Aside from dealing with their pain and suffering, the victim’s employer must also get involved, which makes the process even more complicated. The employer may attempt to dodge responsibility or blame the victim for the incident either partially or fully. If you’ve gotten hurt on the job and believe that you’re owed compensation and justice, then it’s crucial to find the right attorney for your needs. We’ve represented clients from all kinds of professional backgrounds, including construction and oil industries, and we’re equipped to handle your case.

Excellent Reputation for Job-Related Injuries

If you’ve sustained an injury while working or if your loved one has died because of job-related negligence, we’re here to help you earn the compensation you deserve. Regardless of the circumstances, no one is above the law. If the responsible party hasn’t faced justice, our team will do everything possible to ensure they give you what they owe. We’re here to make you feel comforted by standing by your side and fighting for you.

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