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Felonies and Misdemeanors

If you have a family member or friend in jail, call The Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. and we will tell you what it takes to get them out. We’ve dealt with all the local jails. Sometimes people want fast, sometimes they want cheap. We will tell you all your release options and let you decide. We provide jail release for misdemeanors and felonies, and even for people even held on warrants for unpaid tickets.

If you’re arrested on a felony probation violation, you may be subject to a “no bond” warrant, which means you won’t be able to bond out for any amount of money. In other cases, the bond is set high. If either of these happen to you, you need an attorney fighting for your rights and who can also seek a bond reduction. Call the Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. right away for help.

Lawyer pointing to the form

After You Are Out of Jail

We can continue to represent the client after they have been released from jail. Posting bail, after all, is often just the first step in saving a person’s freedom. They’re still waiting for a court date or to be formally charged with a crime. We offer continuing, comprehensive legal representation at pre-trial hearings and throughout the court proceedings.

No matter what crime you’ve been charged with – misdemeanor or felony – it’s critical to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. In serious cases, we work with expert investigators to build the strongest possible defense in each case.

What Our Clients Have to Say

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