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Lawyers for the People of Dallas, TX

Law Office of Olegario Estrada, P.C. in Dallas, TX was founded by attorneys Olegario Estrada with the purpose of helping citizens in the community navigate the complex court system to get the justice they deserve. Our attorneys are bilingual in English and Spanish to assist clients from various backgrounds and offer them the best representation in the court of law regardless of their first language. We’re committed to creating a family atmosphere in our firm and extend that to every person who walks through our door. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible when working with us. We are admitted to represent clients in the United States Supreme Court and all Texas state and federal courts.

lawyer man

Experienced Representation

Our experience covers many areas, from personal injuries and accident compensation to representing non-U.S. citizens charged with crimes. No matter why you need our services, you can feel confident that you have a dedicated team who will advocate for you on your side. Our services include:

  • Wrongful death
  • Car, motorcycle, and truck accidents
  • Personal injury
  • Premises liability
  • Catastrophic injury
  • Workplace injury
  • Illegal re-entry for non-U.S. citizens
  • Federal conspiracy cases
  • DWI

Our Attorneys Are Always Available for You

Our attorneys are available 24/7 in your most critical times of need. We promise to advocate and represent you in court as if you were a member of our own family. We have the courage and drive not to be intimidated by opposing lawyers no matter what we might be facing. We are here to see your case through to the end. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

Free Consultation